Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Allotment Orchard

This weekend Ive expanded my fruit garden down at the allotment. A nectarine, plum, braeburn apple, cox apple, redcurrant and a gooseberry bush have all gone in. I planted the nectarine on the south side of the shed to give it added protection, so I will hopefully get a few fruits from it. The apples and plum were planted on the furthest south fence so they don't shade any of my plot. I also dug in some Jerusalem artichokes in my new perennial area so that should keep us farting next winter (mind you I've never tried them so I might not like them!).

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Last Sunday's roast

The cockerel has crowed its last crow.
After a light hearted complaint from a neighbour, I decided it was time to silence the cockerel and his mate (one was just starting to crow) and make a nice dinner out of them. Not only was he noisy but he also liked to get violent, my wife didn't like to be in the pen with him.
"Little chicken syndrome"
They both had loads of fat inside them (from their mainly corn fed diet) and the leg meat was much darker than what you buy in the shops (mainly because he'd been using them). Very tasty and they fed three of us easily with big greedy portions. Might have to hatch some more meat birds later in the year.
The rest of the hen are fine and enjoying themselves, spending their days scratching in the dirt and eating all the brussel sprouts that have "blown". I will have to find these new hens homes soon so I can replant the lawn for the summer! They've just started to lay (21 weeks old this week) and I keep finding little bantam eggs dotted around the pen.