Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Well the last month has been eventful but sorry I haven’t written anything but there is very little going on in the garden.
My onion seeds haven’t come up, although the radishes have in the green house. And I’ve had no luck with my mushroom kits which is sat in our dinning room doing nothing.
Outside I’ve put some black plastic down on a couple of the raised beds to try and warm the soil for carrots to grow earlier in the season, and I’ve been using up the parsnips, Swedes, brussel sprouts, leeks and kale whilst waiting for my purple sprouting! The shed is coming along slowly, got the windows and one door in (the one set of hinges were missing and I’m still waiting for them to come!). Started to clad the shed the weekend just gone, so it’s looking pretty good (if I do say so myself), and managed to insulate about one third of the inside so it feels a bit warmer!

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