Sunday, 14 November 2010


As I've already said, this year is the first year that our Medlar tree has had a good amount of fruit on it.
Last week I decided that the fruit was "bletted" enough (rotten) so I picked the whole crop. We decided that we have made enough jam lately to last us into next year (and then a bit) so chutney was to be made instead.
Looking on the Internet I came across Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall recipe for a spicy chutney using the Medlars (in fact there weren't too many other recipes that I could find). His recipe called for the use of the left over pulp from making Medlar Jelly. This was going to be a long process.
  • Monday night I stewed the Medlars and set them to strain overnight through a jelly bag.
  • Tuesday night I made the jelly with the juice (only a tiny jar full - it better taste good!)
  • Wednesday night I made the spicy chutney using the pulp from the jelly (the house still smells) but by 11.15 it still wasn't thick enough!
  • Thursday night I put the chutney back on the stove, thickened it and put it into jars.
A long process so I hope it tastes good once it matures. Out of the pan it nearly took my head off with its spiciness! I've a feeling it might be more like a cook-in-sauce!

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